Onchange "Start", "@tagmail()" Function tagmail() $EmailTo$ = "Johnsmith@email.com" $EmailCC$ = "mark@email.com" $EmailSubject$ = "Daily Report" $EmailBody$ = "" $EmailBody$ = $EmailBody$ + "Value of First Tag is " + STR$ DO_LVL@ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) // the CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) is the same as newline $EmailBody$ = $EmailBody$ + "Value of Second Tag is " + STR$ PH_LVL@ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) // Second line of email $EmailBody$ = $EmailBody$ + "Value of Third Tag is " + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) // Third Line of email... ect $EmailBody$ = $EmailBody$ + "Time: " + TIME$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) // Gives the full date when this was sent // Want to include data such as graphs as an attachment? see: https://ewonsupport.biz/ebd/ $EmailAttachment$ = "&[$dtUF $fnSomeIntegerReport.txt]" $EmailContents$ = $EmailBody$ + $EmailAttachment$ If Start@=1 Then SENDMAIL $EmailTo$, $EmailCC$, $EmailSubject$, $EmailContents$ Endif ENDFN